Internet explorer 9

Internet Explorer 6 was released on August 27, 2001 and looks like Microsoft really want everyone to stop using IE6. Its been 10 years and still now people are using internet explorer 6 although the usage has decreased considerably.The below stats shows the recent usage of IE 6 around the world.

                           Microsoft is on mission: Moving the world off Internet Explorer 6
As Microsoft said “10 years ago a browser was born named Internet Explorer 6.Now that we are in 2011,in the modern era,its time to say goodbye ” So why are you waiting for Download  Internet Explorer 9  Stable Version.

Minimum System Requirements For IE 9 :

  • Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 or Higher

People using Windows XP can’t use IE9,its not even compatible with  Vista with Service Pack 1.So the conclusion more than 45 % of people won’t be installing IE 9 as they are still using XP Let us know your feedback after using IE9 .Your comments are highly appreciated