Fast Start metro is a Google extension for your Google Chrome web-browser, it’s important to note that this extension will not work with Mozilla’s Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Fast Start is a new and innovative extension that transforms your speed dial, commonly known as your browser start page from Google’s vanilla search with six frames of your most recently visited sites with a colourful array of tiles.

Fast Start is more than a colourful array of tiles, it’s a quicker way in which to experience the websites on the internet that you visit most often. The tiles list orderly the websites that you most frequently visit. Each tile is composed of a title, icon, colour and a rectangular or a square. A user is able to customise the shape of the tile to make it more or less prominent – a full square, a quarter square or a rectangle.

Whilst the speed dial extension automatically determines the order, colours, icons and titles of the tiles, a user is able to easily customise all of these preferences.

Preference is clearly something that the developers of Fast Start put at the forefronts of their minds when developing Fast Start, you can customize almost everything about Fast Start.

But what does this flexibility of customization mean in practice, well if you have a predefined list of websites that you visit during the day and during the evening (perhaps work and play) you could easily colour code them or arrange them in one list. This provides the benefits of the separation of work and play, but also provides you with the ability to speed up the access to those sites that you visit most often.

The speed dial experience of Fast Start and those websites that you visit most often is extended to your bookmarks, the same experience is provided from a tab. I found that the bookmark functionality to be particularly useful, mainly because I don’t like the native Chrome experience. The use of breadcrumbs and accessing your bookmarks a bit like folders in Windows Explorer I found particularly appealing.

To summarise, Fast Start is an excellent speed dial application for Google Chrome. It is a versatile extension and will fit the purpose of most users. Get a little more out of Google Chrome by installing Fast Start.